Sunday, August 4, 2013

(05-08-2013) Letters: Bike Helmets, Please [ H0us3 ]

Letters: Bike Helmets, Please Aug 5th 2013, 03:03

Thanks for "My Mademoiselle Summer" by Meg Wolitzer (Sunday Styles, July 21). It brought me back 50 years to my days as a Mademoiselle guest editor in 1963. Her description of her time at the magazine rang true for me. To be sure, the June heat in the tiny rooms of the Barbizon Hotel for Women was grueling. But New York in 1963 seemed wondrous and innocent. Anything was possible. It was a blast. It was an honor. I made lifelong friends.

Lynne Berkis Levin

New York

Thank you for bringing to print the most formative summer of my life. Having been admitted to Columbia University and honored with a guest editorship, I was truly thankful to all who had helped me on a difficult path from Ohio to New York. A New York welcome had its conditions, i.e., to continue hard work. All of my challenges eventually turned into blessings. For this, my appreciation goes out to Mademoiselle.

Carol Luce Stanford

Santa Fe, N.M.

Philip Galanes got it wrong on the query from "Susan from Phoenix" in his Social Qs column ("Someone's in the Kitchen," July 28). The friend who wants to help out with the dishes sounds like a classic introvert, and that has nothing to do with social awkwardness. Seating the chattiest Cathy next to Mr. Introvert may backfire big time. And as to Susan's quote: "I can't leave him to clean alone" — yes, Susan, you can. He'll come back when he's ready. Introverts' social batteries get depleted when they're around people, and sometimes, we just need some alone time recharge.

Bryan Park


I am bewildered as to the placement of the article about Caroline Kennedy's selection to serve as ambassador to Japan ("Catching the Torch," Sunday Styles, July 28). How is this a Styles article? The newspaper consistently treats women of accomplishment in a manner that would never be applied to men. Comments about appearance, hairstyles, shoes, etc., are all printed in the Styles section. This time, we were spared such nonsense about Ms. Kennedy. But the placement of the article in the section is demeaning.

Karen Koffler

Forest Hills, Queens

As an avid cyclist who commutes daily on a bike, I was shocked and disappointed to note that in the Web slide show "How We Stay Stylish on Wheels" (Online, July 17), out of 30 photographs only 4 riders wore or carried a helmet. I understand that these photos were submitted by readers, but to even go so far as to include a caption recommending that cyclists "wear a fedora" encourages a casual attitude toward bicycle safety.

I greatly enjoyed your previous Styles article on helmets becoming more fashionable ("Bicycle Helmets as Fashion Statements" July 10). More of this, please!

Sandy Spangler

Berkeley, Calif.